Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Singleness: Self-Discovery

Lonely Days

Being single and 3,000 miles away from my family during the holidays this past year was horrible.  After two days of smothering my loneliness with action movies and Digiorno pizza, I decided enough was enough.  I couldn't take it any more.  I drug myself off the couch, opened my laptop, and begrudgingly paid $30 for a three month eHarmony membership.  Merry Christmas to me.  As I proceeded to fill out my profile, a series of thoughts washed across my mind like an Everlasting Gobstopper of emotions.  The first layer was bitter shame: "I can't believe I'm PAYING to be introduced to girls. Extreme life fail." Then came a wave of mildly pleasant justification: "It's 2013 - the digital age!  This is just how it works."  This was quick replaced by sweet, refreshing hope: "There are going to be SO many awesome girls on here!"
There weren't.
Three months later, I had gone on only one date (she was nice, but not for me) and was completely over online dating.  Since I had to get my $30 worth, I spent at least 45 minutes each day examining potential matches - researching them and flipping through unsatisfactory pictures (please remove your Aviators so I can see your face!!!).  And for what? A mediocre date? What a waste.
Well...not entirely.  In the months following my eHarmony adventure, I realized that I had overlooked the best part of the eHarmony service: my own personality analysis.  I spent hours looking at the girls' profiles and had barely glanced at my own.  
This is fairly characteristic of how outwardly focused us single guys often are - caring more about the girl we don't have than our own lives.  (After all, I wouldn't want to miss out on a life of bliss with my dream girl because I didn't see her strolling past!).  Relationships are all about getting to know another person better - to learn about their likes, dislikes, and how they operate.  But I think that single dudes should turn that same microscope on their own lives to investigate and study themselves.

Why Self-Discovery?

To individuals who contend that self-discovery is a pointless, hippy, new-agey pursuit - here are a few solid rationales:
1). Confidence.  Knowing how you handle conflict, what motivates you, and how you best receive affection inspires self-assurance, confidence, and poise.
2). Decision Making.  Being aware of how you respond in different environments and stimuli can help when choosing where to live, what career to pursue, or even what to do on the weekend.
3). Growth.  Learning about your strengths and weaknesses is a crucial step in goal setting and personal development. 

How to Research Yourself

Self discovery is not like finding a buried treasure.  You don't suddenly uncover the ancient book of "You Secrets" and instantly understand yourself thoroughly.  We're humans, which means we change, we grow, and we adapt.  Thus, learning about oneself is a continuous process that takes time and intentional effort.  There are however, tools that can provide phenomenal insights into our lives.  I have found the following to be among the most helpful:
1). Myers Briggs Typology.  One of my undergrad professors included MB in her class and I have used it ever since.  I highly suggest paying for the real, full personality test - it is unbelievably insightful.  If you are short on cash, you can self test (just google Free Myers Briggs test).  My typology has changed over the past few years  - I'm now most closely associated with Extroverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving - or ENFP.
2). Strengths Finder.  This little book (developed by Tom Rath) includes an online personality test that will identify your greatest strengths.  Anyone that I've talked to about this book has found it extremely helpful and insightful. In case you're wondering, my biggest strengths are Adaptability, Communication, Ideation, Positivity, and Strategic.
3). Interrogate your family and friends.  It can take a bit of courage to ask people you know to analyze you, but those who truly know you can often provide invaluable perspective on your life.  Ask questions like, "What patterns of behavior do you see in me that I can work on?" "In your opinion, what are my greatest strengths and weaknesses?" "How do I handle conflict?"  "What five words best describe me?"
4). Reflection. Take time to really think about who you are.  Often times, pondering the insights provided by the above tools can assist in developing your own valuable conclusions.  I regularly take time to put aside the concerns and worries of life, retreat to a private location, and reflect on my activity, behavior, and life choices.  I also review my Myers Briggs and Strengths Finder profiles every few months.   Many times this provokes new behavior and challenges me to grow in new areas.  Best of all, it provides assurance that I am living in a way that is consistent with my goals, values, and personality.
Oh, and I re-read my own eHarmony profile.  It said I care deeply about adventure, self-discovery, and living consistently within my own value system.  Go figure.

Dude out,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Singleness & Independence: Don't Be a Floater

If there is one thing about being a single guy that I love, it is complete and utter independence.  I have no wife for which to provide, and no children who need fatherly love and attention.  All my bills are my own.  All my free time is my own.  All my worries are my own.  I am responsible for one thing: myself (and since I'm a pretty low maintenance guy, I have never found taking care of me very demanding). 

My life is like the scene in Sound of Music where Julie Andrews is twirling around a mountain meadow in her apron, freely roaming where she pleases, completely devoid of worry, care, or responsibility...
Well, it's like that, but MANLY…

The Paradox of Independence

Experiencing pure autonomy for the first time after college was exhilarating.  I finally possessed what I had dreamt of since first grade: a life unfettered from both academic and parental limitations - a life of total independence.  I was my own man, doing my own man thing, and no one could tell me otherwise.  [Insert Tim Taylor “man grunts” here].  Soon however, I realized that my freedom, rather than allowing me to live life fully, was actually inhibiting my development as a man.  Without the structure and pressure of responsibility, I was like a balloon with no string - adrift and directionless.  As counterintuitive as it may seem, I needed to be less independent.  Less free.

The concept of gravity provides an excellent illustration of how limitations can provide freedom to move forward.  Gravity, while often perceived as a restricting force (I blame it for my inability to dunk a basketball, for example), is actually a liberating force that provides the necessary resistance for our daily lives.  Without the constant pull of gravity, we would not be able to build houses, drive cars, or even play sports.   Similarly, us dudes require a certain amount of attachment and responsibility to grow and develop.  Unfortunately, our lives often lack the confining structures and pressures that enable progress and growth.  The responsibilities of “adult” life often feel so distant that it is easy to merely float along.  So what’s a single dude to do? Here are a few action steps:

1). Be Needed

One way to create structure and responsibility is to commit to regularly meeting a need.  I think all humans, but men in particular have a deep psychological need to be needed.  We want to feel like our lives are significant and that others rely on us.  Finding a continuing need to meet – whether sponsoring a foreign child’s education, or volunteering at a food bank, or cutting a neighbor’s grass – will provide a confining structure and spur development. 

2). Be Accountable

Any worthwhile pursuit takes time, effort and commitment.  But even with the right intentions and motivation it is very easy to bail on commitments without accountability.  Whenever I want to make progress in any area of my life (whether writing, exercise, or a project), I make sure to tell people my plan.  The restriction and pressure of my public commitment provides the tension I need to move forward and reach my goals. 

3). Help out the married dudes.

A great way to avoid floating is to find a dude whose life has him pinned in a painful scissor-hold, and climb into the ring to help.  Babysit his ornery, pureed-yam-spewing kid.  Wash his sporty Chrysler Town & Country.  Help him build a sandbox.  Just go to any grocery store and you’ll see plenty of family dudes that could use your help.  Show these dudes love by lending a hand, and create growth in your own life.

Please don't misconstrue my argument as a rant against fun or freedom.  I’m not saying single guys can’t enjoy their autonomy by living a life full of care-free spontaneity.  By all means, go to the mountain meadow.  Do the male equivalent of skirt twirling.  I’m all for that.  I just think that us single guys will only develop and grow into better men when we stop avoiding responsibility and commitment and actively engage the world around us.  Do that, and you won’t end up being a floater.

Dude out,

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Singleness: Introduction

The Plan

I was supposed to meet the love of my life during my junior year of college.  Her name would be Angela.  We'd be introduced through a friend or in a class and start dating a couple of months later.  My friends would all be jealous (because Angela was insanely attractive), and her friends would rave about the " gorgeous kids" we'd have.  She and I would grow closer throughout our senior year, and the summer after graduation I would plan and execute the most heart-felt and creatively romantic proposal in the history of love.  We'd get married at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado surrounded by our families and friends, and ride off to our honeymoon in a hot air balloon with the word "Forever" on the side...

The Reality

Now I'm 26 years old. Single as ever. I have had a few minor excursions down the dating trail, but for the most part, I've journeyed on the singleness highway my entire life.  Hmmphf.  I sure wasn't
expecting that.  At first, the single life confused me, but in five years since my life diverged from "the plan," I have uncovered many truths about myself, about life, and especially about living as a single adult.  The next series of blog posts will focus on how to be single, and how to do it right.  First though, I think it may be helpful to outline a few somewhat counterintuitive truths about being a single dude.

1. Relationships don't make us men.

Our culture often equates a man's maturity to his relationship status.  Regrettably, this fallacy can deceive single men into believing and behaving as if they are not "true" adult men.  A few years ago, I heard a speaker on the radio chastising young men for being single.  I was curious and turned up the volume.   My rage was instantly ignited when he shouted that a man is not a man until he fulfills his destiny by entering marriage and starting a family.  With all due respect Mr. Ignorant Man, my identity as a man is not dependent upon a wife and children.  While getting married and having kids are two of the manliest life pursuits, they are not a rite of passage ritual that legitimizes a man or makes him an adult.

2. Singleness shouldn't be passive.

We all know the stereotypical scene: a scruffy pre-man in disheveled clothing, lounging atop a tower of filthy laundry with a PS3 controller, fingers stained orange from the last Cheetos binge. If this is you: cart loads of dude shame be upon you. Defining singleness as merely the absence of a relationship is narrow-minded, and limiting.  Being in a relationship with a girl is an active state of living that requires effort and intentionality.  Living as a single adult is the same way. Doing it well takes work, effort, and purpose.  Life does not start when you get a girlfriend, it is happening now - and there are things we should be doing as single adults.  It is time to take responsibility and ownership for our lives as single men and quit slouching around for a girl to get us into gear.

3. Singleness is an opportunity, not a problem.

Imagine for a moment what you would do if someone paid all your expenses for a year.  Backpack across Europe? Learn ice carving? Take guitar lessons?
Visit every ballpark in the US?  Most people would not approach a year of financial freedom as a curse, but as a wonderful opportunity.  This is the perspective we should have of the single life.  It is something for which to be grateful.  Something exciting and invigorating that should be taken hold of and lived with intentionality, with purpose, and with drive.  But, similar to a year free of bills, the opportunity of singleness can be easily wasted.  Singleness is often squandered in pursuit of frivolous and childish aims that reek of selfishness, pride, and self-gratification.  This is not merely regrettable, but an appalling travesty.  

So that, my dudely companions, is the impetus for this series - to spark a new culture among single dudes that recognizes the purpose and value of singleness, challenging them (and myself) to live intentional, meaningful lives regardless of our relationship status.

Dude out,
