Monday, March 29, 2010

Dudes Etc. 2010 Hate List

An editorial from the Editor in Chief of Dudes Etc.

In a culture that values choice and diversity as much as ours, we are often inundated with options. While these options can be beneficial, they can also cause mental paralysis when attempting to make decisions. Thus, I believe listing our likes and dislikes is beneficial because it can make us cognizant of our preferences and help with decision making. Knowing what you hate and love (and why) is one of the first steps to "knowing thyself." I have found that periodically listing my likes and dislikes has given me a better understanding of the motivations behind decisions I make. Thus, this post will steal a page directly out of Oprah's playbook by presenting:
The Dudes Etc. 2010 Hate List
1. Fedoras - Wearing a fedora IS making a "fashion statement" - a statement that screams "I'm desperate for friends." You are not Justin Timberlake or a 1930s journalist, so take that ghastly thing off.
2. Stepping in liquid while wearing socks - There's nothing worse than ruining a fresh cozy pair of socks by stepping on a melted ice cube or spilled milk.
3. Riding in the back seat - The lack of air conditioning, lack of ability to interact with the front seat, and poor visibility all combine to make a lousy travel experience. Its almost as if auto makers took everything we hate about riding in airplanes and recreated the experienced in the back seat.
4. Facebook Applications - Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I don't give a crap between pirates and ninjas, and if I get one more notification that someone found a cow on their farm, I'm going to embark on a digital cattle slaying rampage.
5. The catchphrase "Legit" - This abbreviation is ambiguous and pointless. For instance, when I say that I found twenty dollars on the street and I'm going to keep it, responding with "That's legit" is very confusing.

Other top runners included: Pine sap on clothing, drinking warm water, and sweaty feet.

Dude out,


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