Monday, March 22, 2010

Dudes Vs. Posers

There are not many things that rub me the wrong way more than posers. (I just now realized how odd the expression "rub the wrong way" is in regard to humans). This post is to decry the antics and tactics of posers and reveal their shallow need for acceptance and attention.

Poser: one who adopts the characteristics of a group (or multiple groups) in order to gain acceptance.

The very idea of "posing" is antithetical to dudedom because Dudes are always true to their own beliefs and opinions. Here are some ways in which posers are anti-dude.
Posers are willing to compromise values - Dudes stick to their guns on issues that matter.
Posers mimick those around them - Dudes think for themselves and do what they want.
Posers often act differently depending on the group - Dudes never try to be someone they are not.
Posers base their actions on what others will think of them - Dudes act on personal values.
Posers copy - Dudes create.

A Quick Glance at Poser Stereotypes
There are several standard flavors of poser, and although not everyone who acts or dresses in one of these ways is a poser, a great deal of posers fall into these categories.
1). The Gangsta Poser - Typically a white kid who tries to pull off "hard" but only successfully pulls of "tool." Two messages for you Gangsta posers out there: first - don't call me "nigga". Second, as much as you try, you will still be white.
2). The Prep Poser - Common in middle and high school, this is more of a garden variety poser who is convinced that brand name clothing increases coolness. Simply put, wearing Abercrombie jeans doesn't make you cool any more than putting frosting on a cow patty makes it a cake.
3). The Rebel Poser - Most of the time, these authority-hatin', bad attitude totin', fight-pickin' individuals have no reason to be ticked off - it has just become their modus operandi. In my opinion, if you've got issues its best to get it out in the open, or forget about it. Pouting around like a 2 year old who didn't get its way is a total chump move.

In other unrelated news, Dudes Etc. is now accepting suggestions for future posts and answering all your questions from a Dudes perspective. Simply submit ideas/questions to

Dude out,


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