Monday, January 4, 2010

Dude Skills Part IV: Cleaning

Men are often criticized for their cleanliness. On more than one occasion I have heard women generalize their feelings about male habits with the statement, "Guys are gross!" Though valid, I contend that this critique is too nebulous to be of use to the male gender. Therefore, this post will attempt to address the behaviors women most often condemn, and offer insights for how all dudes can avoid these pitfalls, immediately enhancing their dudeliness.

The three specific categories which men could work to improve (and dudes have mastered) are: hygiene, personal space, and clothing.

Dude Hygiene
Admittedly, men are often challenged in the area of personal hygiene, but before women pounce upon the habits of men, there are several things they need to realize. First, by nature, men are more intense than women - especially physically. Exhibit A: compare men's and women's basketball. There is no apologizing in a guys basketball game. If you're lucky, there might be a foul or two called. But in a girls basketball game, if two players incidentally bump shoulders they both instantly apologize. After a basketball game, girls will probably have broken into a sweat, but a guy's shirt (and probably the seat of his shorts) will be soaking wet with sweat. Thus, the physical intensity of men results in more intense sweat, odor, and dirt. That being said, a true dude will make every effort to curb those odors (deodorant, showering etc.) and will not flaunt them by hugging a girl when he is sweaty, thereby bathing her with his sweaty stench.
Hygiene Tips for Dudes:
1. Long hair is difficult to pull off - if it looks like it came off a stray dog, it's time to cut it. Girls are also over critical of long hair on guys because they know how hard it is to clean.
2. Brushing your teeth is not optional - if your mouth has obvious mold spore colonies, your breath will smell like a trash heap.
3. Spraying cologne showering - Your body needs a regular powerful cleansing with water and soap.

Dude Personal Space
A dude will keep his personal belongings and space organized and clean. This does not mean that his floor will never be strewn with clothes or that his desk cluttered. However, it DOES mean that it will never remain in this state for an extended period of time. As much as I hate to say it, college dorm rooms tend to be the worst offending spaces. Pizza boxes, chop sticks, muddy cleats, hockey sticks, sweaty athletic shorts, old school books, and half-eaten bags of Combos - none of them belong on the floor.
Personal Space Tips for Dudes:
1. People can tell if your room has just been cleaned - so if your having company over, clean and de-odorize well in advance.
2. Get a bin or box for your shoes - this will keep them out of sight and smell.
3. Throw away your unused junk: Your lucky striped baseball sock from the little league championship team isn't cool anymore - pitch it.

Dude Clothing
First, all women should realize that 9 out of 10 guys would rather go purchase more undergarments than wash their dirty ones. So if your man does laundry once every two weeks, he's better than average. Also, let me contend that washing a piece of clothing after one use is unnecessary unless it has been sweat in, or worn in mud. That being said, it is important for men to realize that doing laundry regularly is a must. My brother recently drug his hamper out of the closet, and the room smelled like moist, decomposing boxers for over an hour. This type of behavior is not good for your clothes, or your company. I try to do laundry once a week so that my heap does not become unmanageable
Clothes Tips for Dudes:
1. If you are unsure if an item is clean or dirty, use the smell test. Place your nose into the smelliest area (groin, armpit) and inhale deeply through your nostrils. If you keel over - wash it. If you wince - wash it unless you REALLY need it. If you can smile - fold it and put it away.
2. If you have stained clothing, look it up online - many times they can be removed with everyday products
3. If you are going out on a date - wear freshly washed clothing.
Feel free to respond with questions.

Dude out,


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