Sunday, January 29, 2012

Challenge #4: According to Jim

This week's challenge was going to be skiing tricks. Land a 180 and attempt a 360. I know everyone (with the exception of my chiropractor) was excited to see the results. I had it all planned out - hit the slopes Friday night, edit the video Saturday, and post it Sunday. One thing I didn't plan on, however, was that Syracuse, NY (a city renown for mammoth amounts of snow) would have zero inches of accumulation in late January. Thus, I dejectedly returned to my list of challenges, and landed upon "Buy a complete stranger lunch."
I hopped in my car and headed yet again out toward the mall. As I was about to turn onto the highway, I noticed a man with a sign that read "Jobless. Willing to work. Please help." I pulled into a parking lot, called him over, and told him I wanted to buy him lunch. His momentary incredulity quickly warped into excitement as he hopped in. He introduced himself as Jim, and off we went.
I offered to buy him "anything he wanted" for lunch - and he picked McDonald's. I snagged a few burgers and a nice hot cup of Mc-Joe, all while peppering my captive conversant with questions.
According to Jim, the sign and the street corner were a recent development. He was formerly in the "drug game" but got out once his kids were born. (The incredulity was now mine). Unfortunately, his wife was heavily into the lifestyle, so once the drugs and money were gone, she left him with two kids. During the summer, he works construction - but those jobs are rare during the Syracuse winter: hence the sign. For the entirety of his story, my thoughts rapidly oscillated between "Give him $500" and "What a liar!"
In the end, I gave him the change from the $20 bill used to buy his lunch, my phone number in case I could assist him further (why not? - he's not going to prank call me), and took him back to his lonely spot by the freeway. The entire experience made me feel extremely blessed, but also awakened a sense of deep pity that I have not felt in some time. The more intriguing question however, is what did Jim think???
Dude out,

Next week's challenge: Get rid of everything I don't use.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Challenge #3: Girls, Moms, and "Game"

To be frank, I had never really tried randomly approaching and hitting on women. I feel it is rather uncouth, barbaric, and it just isn't my style (I try not to be THIS guy). About a year ago, I was informed by several women that I had "absolutely no game." Since this conversation, I have often wondered what sort of results I would get if I gave this method a whirl. Hence, this week's challenge: Go to the mall and get a girl's number.
Caveat: I realized it would be extremely inconsiderate to obtain a girls phone number and NOT call/text her and thus I had to be willing to contact any girl approached. This added a significant degree of difficulty because I couldn't just go wheedling digits out of any "lonely"- looking female.
The Results:
In total, I spent 4 hours at the mall. I ran into one unexpected complication: Mothers. There were numerous occasions when I would have approached a girl, only to notice that she was being shielded by a keen maternal eye. (And I wasn't about to venture into potentially turbulent waters on my maiden voyage.)
In my 4 hours, I made two attempts. As chance would have it, both girls worked at department store cosmetics counters (Lesson 1- Aim high, boys). The first girl was rather curt and cold. She smiled slightly when she told me that she had a boyfriend (but her eyes were bursting with disdain). I almost rescinded my inquiry on the spot, but took the high road, thanked her, and walked away. The second time around produced a similar answer, but my performance was flawless. After waiting 25 minutes for several moms (Gha!) to buy their face paint and leave my girl alone, I sauntered up to the counter. Here's the play by play.
Me: Hey! How are you? (Flashing my new, unfettered smile).
Makeup Girl #2: Good.
Me: You know, it would be much easier to talk to you if you were behind the cologne table.
Makeup Girl #2: Did you need something?
Me: Actually, (slight look down as if I'm shy) I was wondering (short pause to drop another grin) would it be inappropriate if I asked for your number?
Makeup Girl #2: Aw, (flawless flattered smile) I actually have a boyfriend already.
Me: Well...if you're just saying that because of my beard, it's totally negotiable.
Makeup Girl #2: No...I'm sorry!
Me: Ok, well have a great day. (One more smile to demonstrate confidence/induce pity).
Therefore, while I cannot count this as a completely successful endeavor (0-2 isn't a winning record), I cannot classify it as an utter failure. The goal of this challenge was to hurl myself headlong into the unfamiliar water of "gaming" and survive with my dignity, and in that regard, victory was mine indeed.
Challenge #4: Attempt/Land a 180 and a 360 on my skis (might add a video component for this one!)
Send ideas for challenges to
Dude out,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Challenge #2: Bison is more manly than duck.

This week's challenge was not as time consuming as the last one - but it took much more thought. I love trying new things - especially food. I have eaten squid, bandicoot, cow tongue, crocodile, and pinky-finger-sized beetle larvae to name a few. Thus, the challenge became to FIND something I had never eaten.
Early in the week, I realized I had never eaten duck. All week in Los Angeles, I looked for duck but was unable to find it. And so, with the week's end rapidly approaching, I went to the grocery store in search of duck...and discovered that they only carried whole, frozen ducks. There was no way I could thaw and cook an entire duck in 3 hours. So I began scouring the meat aisle for an exotic protein I had never consumed. After looking at a thousand types of chicken, a plethora of cuts of beef, and countless things crammed into casing and labeled "sausage," I found what I was looking for.
While not nearly as exotic as I was hoping for, I found a package of Bison steak that piqued my curiosity. Bison is WAY more manly than duck anyway.
I purchased it quickly, and carted it home for preparation and consumption. I grilled it on my George Foreman grill - with some garlic powder and salt with steamed broccoli to supplement.
Bison has an unique flavor that greatly appealed to my manly palate. It has a wilder, earthier taste than beef, causing me to lament the fact I had not roasted it Davy Crockett style on the open range. The meat was also very lean (bonus!) and surprisingly tender.

This challenge was both pleasurable and fulfilling to complete. I much prefer bison to either bandicoot or larvae.

Quick shout out to Andrew Winner - a great friend living the dude life like a champ. Check out his 30@30 challenge blog HERE. Press on, brother!

Challenge #3: Go to the mall and get a girl's phone number.

Dude out,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Challenge #1: Read a Classic

I wanted the first challenge of this series to be unusually difficult. Future endeavors might be more whimsical, embarrassing, or physically strenuous, but I wanted this one to be require mentally discipline and possibly even be unpleasant. In that vein, I determined to read a classic book. For those who may not be familiar with my typical recreational pursuits - they NEVER include reading. In fact, I have a rather strong aversion to reading, especially when it is for enjoyment.

The book I selected was none other than the American classic The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. I chose the book first of all because it was recommended as a "must read" and given to me by a close friend. This challenge served as long awaited motivation to sit down and read it. Secondly, it is 455 pages long (a daunting count for a non-reader) and I knew that the quantity of reading would pose a serious challenge. The intimidation factor resulted in the following page count breakdown:
Sunday: 0
Monday: 30
Tuesday: 36
Wednesday: 18
Thursday: 0
Friday: 63
Saturday: 130
Sunday: 170 (technically, I read 20 pages on Monday, but I'm still counting this as a success).

This reveals several things. First: I am a procrastinator. Second and more importantly, that I CAN read a significant amount if I am determined to do so.

On to a quick book evaluation. It started off a little slow, but once people started dying and getting whacked in the skull with pick-axes, I couldn't put it down. However, the most enjoyable part of the book was Steinbeck's commentary on the nature of man. My favorite quote was in Chapter 14: "And this you can know - fear the time when Manself will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Manself, and this one quality is man, distinctive in the universe."

I also have found myself talking in the Okie accent (a habit I am quickly trying to squelch).

Results Summary: This challenge was relatively difficult - it required much more mental focus and determination than I am accustomed to exercising. I am used to being able to dawdle at tasks, taking numerous TV and snack breaks. This challenge forced me to sit on my rear end for long periods of time and FOCUS. I do feel however, that this pursuit was worth my time and that my friend was correct in deeming The Grapes of Wrath a "must read."

Challenge#2: Eat something I've never tried before.

Dude out,
