Monday, January 23, 2012

Challenge #3: Girls, Moms, and "Game"

To be frank, I had never really tried randomly approaching and hitting on women. I feel it is rather uncouth, barbaric, and it just isn't my style (I try not to be THIS guy). About a year ago, I was informed by several women that I had "absolutely no game." Since this conversation, I have often wondered what sort of results I would get if I gave this method a whirl. Hence, this week's challenge: Go to the mall and get a girl's number.
Caveat: I realized it would be extremely inconsiderate to obtain a girls phone number and NOT call/text her and thus I had to be willing to contact any girl approached. This added a significant degree of difficulty because I couldn't just go wheedling digits out of any "lonely"- looking female.
The Results:
In total, I spent 4 hours at the mall. I ran into one unexpected complication: Mothers. There were numerous occasions when I would have approached a girl, only to notice that she was being shielded by a keen maternal eye. (And I wasn't about to venture into potentially turbulent waters on my maiden voyage.)
In my 4 hours, I made two attempts. As chance would have it, both girls worked at department store cosmetics counters (Lesson 1- Aim high, boys). The first girl was rather curt and cold. She smiled slightly when she told me that she had a boyfriend (but her eyes were bursting with disdain). I almost rescinded my inquiry on the spot, but took the high road, thanked her, and walked away. The second time around produced a similar answer, but my performance was flawless. After waiting 25 minutes for several moms (Gha!) to buy their face paint and leave my girl alone, I sauntered up to the counter. Here's the play by play.
Me: Hey! How are you? (Flashing my new, unfettered smile).
Makeup Girl #2: Good.
Me: You know, it would be much easier to talk to you if you were behind the cologne table.
Makeup Girl #2: Did you need something?
Me: Actually, (slight look down as if I'm shy) I was wondering (short pause to drop another grin) would it be inappropriate if I asked for your number?
Makeup Girl #2: Aw, (flawless flattered smile) I actually have a boyfriend already.
Me: Well...if you're just saying that because of my beard, it's totally negotiable.
Makeup Girl #2: No...I'm sorry!
Me: Ok, well have a great day. (One more smile to demonstrate confidence/induce pity).
Therefore, while I cannot count this as a completely successful endeavor (0-2 isn't a winning record), I cannot classify it as an utter failure. The goal of this challenge was to hurl myself headlong into the unfamiliar water of "gaming" and survive with my dignity, and in that regard, victory was mine indeed.
Challenge #4: Attempt/Land a 180 and a 360 on my skis (might add a video component for this one!)
Send ideas for challenges to
Dude out,

1 comment:

  1. Wtf! We were supposed to witness greatness. I would have given you an earpiece and joeyified the situation with my sweet game. Begging. The only recommendation I have is keep it up and go to a strip club, drink in a bar alone and observe, and random acts of kindness.
