Friday, September 3, 2010

A Return to the Dudely Life

With summer’s sporadic spewing of heat and humidity nearly at an end, thoughts often return to former pursuits and the potential regurgitation thereof. Although the cessation of posting was neither announced (my apologies to regular constituents), nor intentional, the seductive power of writing is such that it cannot be postponed indefinitely. Hence, this post constitutes a valiant re-ignition attempt of the beacon of male enlightenment (and in an untraditional sense, enhancement) known as Dudes Etc.

At a time when many dudes are returning to their respective institutions for yet another extended period of intensified personal growth and development, it seemed appropriate to exhort these individuals to re-commit themselves to a pursuit of dudeliness.


Oftentimes the summer is perceived as a time to abandon discipline and rational behavior in favor of a recklessly hedonistic lifestyle. The window of opportunity for challenging this paradigm has unfortunately closed. (Simply put, if you frittered your summer away by a pool gorging on Doritos and Capri Sun, calling you on it now is pointless.) However, the tendency of the summer mentality to bleed into autumn habits is a regrettable reality in dire need of opposition. Thus, in a true Dudes Etc. exhortation style, this post offers practical solutions to re-dude-ing one’s lifestyle.


1). Carefully set priorities

Examining the areas of life that require significant amounts of time and effort and ordering them by importance is the first step toward productivity and discipline.

2). Intentionally plan a daily routine

When attempting to “get back in the swing” of a disciplined lifestyle, it is imperative to recognize the importance of a thoughtful daily program. The likelihood of success greatly increases when specific times are designated for particular activities.

3). Commit to the plan.

Although being disciplined in daily life can be difficult, it is also incredibly rewarding. The longer one follows his or her plan, the more momentum they build and the more satisfaction they will find in discipline.

This challenge goes out to all dudes – it is time to shake off the slime of summer slacking and commit to a pursuit of discipline and excellence.

Dude out,


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