Monday, March 1, 2010

Dudes & Bros Part II: The "Oh Hey!" Stage

Last week, Part I focused on the "Hey" stage which described general techniques dudes use to meet other dudes. This week's post centers around how dudes develop that friendship and take it to the next level without creeping each other out.

Classic Mistakes
In order to help non-dudes and minimal dudes become more dudelike in their approach to friendship, I have decided to outline several classic mistakes that repel full blown, pure bred dudes.
Over Excitement
This mistake is the most common among young males aspiring to dudedom and in situations where dudedom is unequal. When one male (Quincy) meets another male with more dudelike qualities (we'll call him Liam), Quincy tends to over pursue the friendship. This can be done through frequent invitations to hang out, excessive Facebook commenting, and a physical pursuit that is almost magnetic. Such behavior on Quincy's part will result in Liam feeling as if he has an unwanted crush, and he will undoubtedly initiate evasive maneuvers.
Poor Timing
When two equally dudelike males meet, the potential for friendship is high. An ill-timed proposition however, can trash a relationship worse than a 'coon in a kitchen. Examples of poor timing include asking a dude if he thinks a girl is attractive in front of his current girlfriend, referencing a private conversation in public, and accusing a dude of flirting while his mother is present.

The "Oh Hey" Stage
This stage is characterized by unintentional and unplanned interaction. Two dudes having previously met, will often gravitate toward one another in social situations. "Oh Hey" relationships exist because dudes prefer to be with other dudes, even if they know very little about them. Examples include two recently acquainted dudes sitting together in a cafeteria, two dudes sharing a cab, two dudes working on a school project, or standing by the punch bowl at a lame dance. Because the dudedom of both males is no longer in question, they can enter the interaction with confident assurance that they are understood.

Dude out,


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